One Of The Symbols of the Evil Bound Bundle of Wooden Rodsist /Fascesist/Fascist Stateican Party/Republican Party Is The African Elephant-Asian Elephant Hybrid
Hex/X/Twatter/Twitter Is AnEvilFascistConservativeCapitalistMakan/AmericanSocialNetworkingService;ITheGoodOrthodoxTrotHaven’tPostedOnEvilFascistConservativeCapitalistHex/X/Twatter/TwitterSinceJuly2022
Demons, like Orabas, could be a Good Neighbor/fairy/.
Certain beings, r/Trotskyists, know that rank-and-file committee supporting bureaucratic collectivism/Village Greenism/Greenism/Northism/Kishoreism/Zinovievism is evil.
r / TheTrotskyists A banner for the subreddit r/TheTrotskyists icon r/TheTrotskyists Join A subbreddit for discussion regarding Trotskyism. We welcome both Trotskyists and non-Trotskyists seeking to learn. 4.7K Members 1 Online • 4 yr. ago r1ckety-hypersnakes What do people here think about the Socialist Equality Party? Question Upvote 6 Downvote 8 Go to comments Share Share Comments Section Single comment thread See full discussion u/r1ckety-hypersnakes avatar r1ckety-hypersnakes OP • 4y ago I suppose then my question is, in what way is Trotskyism contingent on the success of unions? The SEP instead advocates that workers form rank-and-file committees, and that seems like just as viable a way of advancing workers' interests. It just seems odd to me that this subreddit would ban a major Trotskyist organisation; or rather, that the viability of unions would be something that's not up for debate- especially nowadays, given the corruption scandals that have mired the UAW union, among others. I don't think that this question was a central component of Trotsky's theories, so I don't see why it is so important here. If unions are progressive organizations that fight for workers' interests, can you please give me some examples of industries in the US, whose workers are better off now than they were 10 years ago, as a result of progressive actions their unions have taken? On your second point- that they defend wealthy rapists- can you please provide a source? Upvote 0 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/PutTrumpAgainstAWall avatar PutTrumpAgainstAWall • 4y ago From the second congress of the communist international. "Communists must join such unions in all countries, in order to make of them efficient organs of the struggle for the suppression of capitalism and for Communism. They must initiate the forming of trades unions where these do not exist. All voluntary withdrawals from the industrial movement, every artificial attempt to organise special unions, without being compelled thereto by exceptional acts of violence on the part of the trade union bureaucracy such as the expulsion of separate revolutionary local branches of the unions by the opportunist officials, or by their narrow-minded aristocratic policy, which prohibits the wiskilled workers from entering into the organisation - represents a great danger to the Communist movement. It threatens to hand over the most advanced, the most conscious workers to the opportunist leaders, playing into the hands of the bourgeoisie" The SEP not only argues for separate unions of different names but also outright opposes unions. The rape comment is I'm sure in response to the SEPs position on brock turner Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/somerandomleftist5 avatar somerandomleftist5 • 4y ago Brock Turner I say it for the SEP thinking Roman Polanski did nothing wrong and deserves no punishment. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/somerandomleftist5 avatar somerandomleftist5 • 4y ago The SEP aren't a major trotskyist organization lol. They are ineffective and small and seem to exist mostly to make David North wealth. No, you look it up there was an announcement about it. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share
Certain beings, in r/Trotskyists, also know that Firebrand is evil.
TheTrotskyists • 2 yr. ago IAmRasputin Wake up comrades, new communism just dropped: Firebrand! News r/TheTrotskyists - Wake up comrades, new communism just dropped: Firebrand! Open Upvote 8 Downvote 12 Go to comments Share Share Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/Thequorian avatar Thequorian • 2y ago Wait a week and a new one pops up. And another one. We have to many orgs, we need a singular organisation with principaled democratic centralism. We have enough splinterers. Upvote 10 Downvote Reply reply Share Share ShawnBootygod • 2y ago Too many people have “their own brand of communism” or “I understand Trotsky different than you” and the ever increasing hyper individualism of capitalism even permeates communist organizing. There are too many amateurs who believe they’re professionals. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] • 2y ago Tbh it seems more about existing orgs like IMT and ISO have corrupted leadership which try to hide abuse and screw over their rank and file. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share ShawnBootygod • 2y ago So fix it? Don’t continue to divide the vanguard Upvote 5 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 4 more replies u/Thequorian avatar Thequorian • 2y ago This group for example goes in the direction of The Cosmonaut Magazine I posted about, their marxism is a little bit more orthodox... Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/hhutchyy avatar hhutchyy • 2y ago great too see an actual cohered revolutionary organization to come out of the ruins of the ISO! Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] • 2y ago I was just thinking we needed a new communism drop. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share inyourselfallalong • 2y ago "groupchat without workers voice" Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share
Firebrand knows that trade union supporting bureaucratic collectivism/Zinovievism is evil.
“Bolshevization”: A Moscow import to the American CP This flexibility is fundamentally different from what became the organizational model of the American communist movement. By extension, the Trotskyist movement inherited these principles, starting with the American Socialist Workers Party (SWP-US). American Trotskyism can trace its roots to 1928, when James P. Cannon, Max Shachtman, and others broke from the American Communist Party upon reading and sharing Trotsky’s writings on the Russian Revolution’s degeneration. Many Trotskyists have rightly celebrated our principled stand against Stalinist distortions. But this stand was four or five years after the world communist movement’s degeneration had already begun — under Grigory Zinoviev. Before this, American communism’s factional atmosphere had trained the future leaders of the Trotskyist movement, just as much as the Stalinists, in bureaucratic practices for securing leadership. Cannon noted later that “allegiance to communism and to the party gave way, gradually and imperceptibly, to allegiance to the faction-gang.”14 The fights between William Z. Foster, Jay Lovestone, John Pepper, Cannon and others sharpened the skills Trotskyists would later use in their own factional battles. These examples challenge the perceived organizational principle of a monolithic, militaristic party. The question shifts from “is breaking discipline permissible?” to “under what context is breaking discipline permissible?” What were the roots of this factionalism? It came from lessons taught in the Socialist Party of America (SP), where many future Communist leaders had first been SP left-wingers. Like the Socialist Labor Party (described in Part One of this series), the SP’s lack of collective leadership, the mass membership’s low political level, and the entrenched divide between reformists, centrists and revolutionaries bred conflict and personalism. The control of the apparatus came to be seen as key for the political direction of the party — and key for fighting factional opponents. The “big tent” led to the same bureaucratic methods many now reject. Stories abound. In 1908, the right-wing-controlled National Executive Committee rejected the application of Alfred Wagenknecht, a West Coast Left-SP party organizer, for national organizer on openly ideological grounds.15 Charles Ruthenburg, later a leader of his own faction in the CP, tried to introduce an amendment in the 1912 Socialist Party convention only to have the convention chairman, a member of the SP’s right wing, deny its introduction.16 As Ira Kipnis describes: “The Socialist civil war quickly developed a pattern of expulsions, campaigns for control of key committees, formation of dual state and local organizations, and intervention by the Right-wing national office. In some of the local organizations the controversies were so prolonged, involved, and bitter that it is almost impossible to distinguish between various factions.”17 By the time these SP left-wingers became newly-minted communists, they had developed a taste and skill for factional warfare. First, a political struggle took place between those seeking to organize a public-facing party against those who believed organizing underground and in secret was a point of principle. But in a few short years, as James P. Cannon writes, “the new factional alignments began to take shape, and the struggle for ‘control of the party,’ which was to last for six years… was under way.”18 In 1923, Pepper “ran the party with an iron hand… he ‘politicalized’ the party to beat hell, and influenced his opponents almost as much as his supporters.”19 A sympathizer and friend of Trotsky in New York, Ludwig Lore, came under fire as the leader of a “non-Communist tendency” in the new party.20 In 1925, Ruthenburg and Jay Lovestone charged new leaders Foster and Cannon as carrying on a “relentless policy of suspensions, disciplinary [actions] and expulsion of the opposition,” while Foster and Cannon alleged that the “Minority is encouraging gross violations of discipline and in propagating the idea of a split in the Party.”21 Foster declared that in the faction fight with Ruthenburg’s group his character had “been assassinated in every conceivable form, even to that of my being called a thief.”22 Meanwhile, then-Foster loyalists Shachtman and William F. Dunne had “barricaded themselves in the Daily Worker editorial offices, refusing entry to Ruthenburg supporters, including… the paper’s co-editor.” Such was the schooling our ancestors received — lessons they would carry with them through future struggles. Factionalism had taught these leaders how to attack opponents and jockey for power. Zinoviev’s “Bolshevization” campaign put forward the monolithic party (run by a single set of unified leaders) as the supposed alternative. Next, the factional atmosphere in the CPUSA created fertile ground for party despotism to take seed as an apparent (but false) solution starting in 1924. Masked as “Bolshevism,” this degenerative bureaucratism consolidated the “monolithic party” idea — banning factions and preventing any dissent (especially public dissent). As part of Russia’s creep towards Stalinism over the 1920s, the international organization of Communist Parties (Comintern, based in Russia) turned advisement into unquestioning acceptance of its Russian leaders’ lines. This, in turn, clamped down on the space to question national leaderships too. At the Fifth Comintern Congress and under pressure from Zinoviev’s leadership, one Communist party after another, from the United States to Japan, testified they “really weren’t Communist” but tainted with social-democratic politics and organizational methods.23 The resulting campaign to “Bolshevize” turned these parties into pliant agents of Stalinist foreign policy, thoroughly hostile to democratic control from below. Factionalism had taught these leaders how to attack opponents and jockey for power. Zinoviev’s “Bolshevization” campaign put forward the monolithic party (run by a single set of unified leaders) as the supposed alternative. Though the Trotskyist movement did more to move beyond Stalinism’s simple catechisms and hosannas, the imprint of Zinoviev’s “Bolshevization” campaign remained. These assumptions were largely imported into the American Trotskyist movement by its main founder, Cannon, and others like Shachtman who served as lieutenants in his faction in the American Communist Party. After all, Cannon was known in the CP of the 1920s as the “Captain of Bolshevization.” In his view in 1924, a Bolshevik party: “Must be a centralized party prohibiting factions, tendencies, and groups. It must be a monolithic party… Our party [CPUSA] has been plagued with factions, tendencies and groups. At least one-half of the energy of the party has been expended in factional struggles, one after another. We have grown into the habit of accepting this state of affairs as a normal condition.”24 Twenty years later, the campaign to “Bolshevize” the American CP still served as a reference point. In Cannon’s assessments, absence reveals more than what he mentions explicitly. In his First Ten Years of American Communism, he says: “In spite of all, Zinoviev deserves restoration as one of the great hero-martyrs of the revolution… The lasting personal memory I have of him is of his patient and friendly efforts in 1925 to convince both factions [of the CPUSA] of the necessity of party peace and cooperation, summed up in his words to [William Z.] Foster which I have mentioned before: ‘Frieden ist besser’ (‘Peace is better’).”25 Only once did he make a critical appraisal of Zinovievism. As he said in a letter in the mid-1960s: “Probably the hardest lesson I had to learn from Trotsky, after ten years of bad schooling through the Communist Party, was to let organizational questions wait until the political questions at issue were fully clarified, not only in the National Committee but also in the ranks of the party.”26 Until then, he believed the Stalinized Comintern merely “fed the flames of factionalism in order to fish in the troubled waters to create its own Stalinist faction.” By the time of his reevaluation, how much Zinovievism had he unconsciously imparted? When did the germs slip in, indeed?
Evil politicians, like the Village Greenists/Greenists/Greenites/Northists/Northites/Healyites/ sterile sectarian one world government, autocracy, rank-and-file committee, and etc supporting sectarians/rank-and-file committee supporting bureaucratic collectivists/Zinovievists, serve Orobas.
David W. Village Green/David W. Green/David North is an evil sterile sectarian rank-and-file committee supporting bureaucratic collectivist/Zinovievist. Joseph Tanniru Colt/Joseph Colt/Joseph Tanniru Kishore/Joseph Kishore is an evil rank-and-file committee supporting bureaucratic collectivist/Zinovievist.
Alex Stone/Alex Steiner could be an evil semi-sterile trade union supporting bureaucratic collectivist/Zinovievist. Frank To Burn/Frank Brenner could also be an evil semi-sterile trade union supporting bureaucratic collectivist/Zinovievist.
In my fiction/predictive programming of abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis, Alex Stone/Alex Steiner is a good orthodox Trotskyist/real Trotskyist/communist/socialist/.
Atom-like orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox atomism/orthodox one astronomical body government/one world government, trade union, democracy, anti-money, environment, trade union, and etc supporting communism/socialism/eusociality/Colonel Sanderism/Harlandism is good.
The Internationalist Group could be evil.
The Internationalist Group is a section of the League for the Fourth International, a global network of Trotskyist groups. It advocates for international socialist revolution, the conquest of power by the working class, and the cause of all the oppressed.
The Internationalist Group is a section of the League for the Fourth International, a global network of Trotskyist groups. It advocates for international socialist revolution, the conquest of power by the working class, and the cause of all the oppressed.
The Republican Party is the National Bound Bundle of Wooden Rodsist Party/National Fascesist Party/National Fascist Party/Nazi Party/National Socialist German Workers' Party/Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP of America. The animal symbol of the Republican Party is the African elephant-Asian elephant hybrid. Motty - Wikipedia
Artwork, like Coffeatus’ artwork of Coffeatus, could be predictive programming.
72goetia evil neoliberal centrist capitalist blogger
Orobas appears first in his demon shape- the Horse , But then , after the magician will ask him - Orobas will turn into his human shape. It Is not tall man with the black curly hair. His appearance is often accompanied with the sounds of Thunder and lightnings. His duty is in telling you about the things of Past and Future. He gives the high Titles and the ecclesiastical powers, also the Patronage of your friends and even enemies. Orobas will give you truly interpretations of theology and the world creation. He is very devoted and loyal to the magician and protect him from all the spirits. This prince of Hell is the Patron of Mantic and Kabbalah , can help you to learn any magical instrument . One of the most big differences of this demon among all the others demons is that he Hates Lies. He never lies by himself and asks the same from the person who summoned him. If you will trick Orobas ( and he will always know it) - he will be very mad on you and will never cooperate with you again . Also he can help you to recognize the others people lies if you will ask so. Patrick James Donahue (1849 - 1922) wrote in his book that all the biggest , powerful and evil politicians and the kings sold their souls to this demon . He gifted them power and wealth. Also he helped all the biggest warlords to win their battles. With Orobas you are able to get the most rich life and powerful titles. Some people call this Prince of Hell « the Oracle of Lucifer» . Also you have to know that its one of the most secure demons to work with, even if he will be mad for lies. Just never trick him and you will be safe and you will get all you need in life. Once you will summon him- you will never want to stay away from him. The only thing that you will pay for all the wealth and fame that you can get from him - it is your Soul.
The symbol of the evil fascist Stateican Party/Republican Party is the African elephant-Asian elephant hybrid,
The Republicans were amazed that Motty the African elephant-Asian elephant hybrid had been an adult, Motty the African elephant-Asian elephant hybrid would’ve looked like a Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Where Land Meets Water mammoth/Illaheechuk mammoth/ Illahee Chuk mammoth/S'ólh Téméxw mammoth/Our Land mammoth/Our World mammoth/Columbian mammoth.
karl shuker evil neoliberal centrist capitalist blogspot
Also worthy of note here is that some mammalian hybrids, ligers (lion x tigress hybrids) being a well-known example, actually attain dimensions exceeding those achieved by both of their progenitor species. Is it possible, therefore, that an adult Motty might have surpassed even his African elephant father in stature, thereby providing yet another parallel with the mighty Columbian mammoth?
In my fiction/predictive programming, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Village/Canada, Australia, and New Zealand merged to become a Morocco-like CANZUK. CANZUK is a poor country.
r /
canadaleft r/canadaleft icon r/canadaleft Join CanadaLeft is a forum for leftists of all stripes to organize for a better Canada! This is the only general Canadian subreddit that welcomes videos, memes, podcasts, and other non-boring "low effort" posts. If you hate reddit and are looking for somewhere with a big left presence, try: Lemmy Hexbear Lemmygrad 21K Members 10 Online • 9 hr. ago yogthos Have you considered simply having a shittier life Painfully Canadian 😩 Open Upvote 45 Downvote 13 Go to comments Share Share Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/TheKen3000 avatar TheKen3000 • 9h ago 5. Create additional side income AKA, get another job… because all work and no play make everyone rich… and the goal of life is to… Upvote 36 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/CDN-Social-Democrat avatar CDN-Social-Democrat • 8h ago They are literally trying to market austerity to us now as some kind of good thing. My god can we just admit this isn't working. We have tent encampments like you would see in a war torn third world country all over the developed world now. We have grocery stores installing steel barricades and locking up basic food and clothing items. We have shelters that are maxed out and have waiting lists. We have food banks at near breaking or already broken levels. Again this is in the richest and most developed nations on earth... When foundational and fundamental realities of life like housing and groceries are becoming considered luxuries something is very very wrong. You'd think even those in power would start realizing this lack of stability isn't good for anyone. We have the masses cheering urban execution of CEOs.. They really are going to ride their greed and hubris right into the guillotine. Upvote 24 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/TheKen3000 avatar TheKen3000 • 7h ago For some hope, see what the Manitoba NDP are doing to address homelessness. I Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Tazling • 3h ago and we have billionaires, which is the root cause of all the above. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share denzelmarican • 9h ago Have you considered simply not living at all? Upvote 22 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/yogthos avatar yogthos OP • 8h ago You can save on groceries by simply not buying food for the rest of your life. Upvote 16 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply u/yogthos avatar yogthos OP • 9h ago \7. Reduce your standard of living One of the biggest mistakes you can make is having too high of a standard of living. Fancy apartments will try to lure you into a higher rent than you can afford by teasing amenities that you’ll rarely (if ever) use. Car dealerships will lure you into financing a newer, more luxurious vehicle with a higher trim package than you can afford. Streaming platforms will lure you into never-ending monthly subscriptions that you’ll forget about once you finish watching that one movie or new TV series exclusive to the platform. Upvote 15 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/Boogiemann53 avatar Boogiemann53 • 9h ago There are so many apartments that are just 500 a month, but nobody wants them!!! Upvote 11 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/oblon789 avatar oblon789 • 8h ago Copy pasting what I said in another thread relating to this exact rule: Not a bad rule though. I work with people who refuse to take transit and would rather pay $15-$25 a day in parking, they are terrified of being in close proximity to a homeless person. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/N3wW3irdAm3rica avatar N3wW3irdAm3rica • 4h ago This is somewhat true. We have an insanely high standard of living (compared to most of the world), which is largely based on exploitation of labour and resources in poorer nations. If you want to end capitalism, rich countries will have to take a hit. The whole world can’t consume like us Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/JonoLith avatar JonoLith • 8h ago Telling starving people to eat less food. We should have a revolution. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/bum_slap_cheek_clap avatar bum_slap_cheek_clap • 59m ago The time for people's war on CTV has begun Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share
In my fiction/predictive programming, evil fascist Trumpistan/Nazi America annexed Village/Kanata/Canada
Village/Kanata/Canada became a Realm Commissariat/Reichskommissariat
Pierre Poilivere is the Realm Commissioner/Reichskommissar of Realm Commissariat Canada/Reichskommissariat Canada.
Evil fascist/Lehi Israel/Nazi Israel wanted to annex Raiding/Gaza/West Palestine
Golden Square/Fascist Sunni Palestine/Nazi Palestine was created.
evil fascist Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahuistan/Lehi Israel/Nazi Israel also gave oil to evil fascist Trumpistan/Nazi America
Golden Square/Fascist Sunni Palestine/Nazi Palestine gave oil and natural gas to evil fascist Trumpistan/Nazi America
Why is Trump pressuring Israel to end its war on Gaza? Ali Abunimah Power Suits 15 January 2025 As of Wednesday morning in Palestine, hopes remained high that a deal to end the Israeli genocide in Gaza and free Palestinian and Israeli captives was imminent. Negotiators in Doha were reportedly ironing out the final details on an agreement that would bring a reprieve to a population that has endured more than 15 months of relentless Israeli bombing and starvation amid unspeakable atrocities, killing at least tens of thousands and upending the lives of millions. If agreed and implemented, the deal will also represent a major strategic defeat for Israel. The outlines of the deal – as reported in the media – are for a three-phase process based on the framework laid out by US President Joe Biden in May and accepted by Hamas. It would see an immediate ceasefire, a massive inflow of humanitarian aid and a staged Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, accompanied by prisoner exchanges over the course of multiple weeks. A key question I discussed with journalist Rania Khalek on her BreakThrough News program Dispatches on Tuesday is why the same deal that went nowhere last year is now apparently on the brink of being sealed. In a wide-ranging discussion we also talked about the downfall of Syria’s government, the future of the Axis of Resistance and much more. You can watch the whole discussion in the video above. The resistance is still strong As I told Khalek, the two key factors are the strength of the resistance and Donald Trump, who returns to the White House as US president in less than a week. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Trump has been putting extraordinary pressure on Israel of a kind that is shocking Tel Aviv and that the Biden administration has absolutely refused to apply. After 15 months, Palestinian resistance fighters are still attacking Israeli occupation forces in every part of Gaza where they are present, including in the far northern areas that Israel entered and supposedly gained control of in the earliest weeks of its invasion. The heavy losses and constant attrition have for months been sapping the ability and morale of the Israeli army to carry on a futile effort to defeat a resistance that moves through an extensive tunnel system that remains largely intact. In light of this, a clear majority of Israelis now support a comprehensive deal to end the war, not merely a temporary pause until whatever captives have survived Israel’s indiscriminate bombing come home. That’s a sea-change in an Israeli public whose lust for revenge against Palestinians in Gaza for the 7 October 2023 resistance operation had seemed insatiable. Where the power really lies The other key factor is Trump’s intervention. Last week, the president-elect sent his Middle East envoy to read Israel the riot act. In a symbolic playing out of the real power relations between Israel and the United States, Steve Witkoff informed the office of Benjamin Netanyahu last Friday that he’d be arriving in Israel the next day and wanted to meet him. Netanyahu’s aides “politely explained that was in the middle of the Sabbath but that the prime minister would gladly meet him Saturday night,” according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “Witkoff’s blunt reaction took them by surprise,” Haaretz added. “He explained to them in salty English that Shabbat was of no interest to him. His message was loud and clear.” Netanyahu obeyed orders from Trump’s envoy and showed up at his office as commanded “for an official meeting with Witkoff, who then returned to Qatar to seal the deal.” The result of that meeting, according to Haaretz, is that “Witkoff has forced Israel to accept a plan that Netanyahu had repeatedly rejected over the past half year,” making serious concessions to a Hamas that has not budged from its position that the release of Israeli captives must be conditioned on the release of Palestinian prisoners, an end to the war and a complete – albeit phased – Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. This one act could shatter the myth that the Israel lobby holds decisive sway over the US government. A strategic defeat How would this represent a strategic defeat for Israel and in effect a victory for the Palestinian resistance in the face of the horrific and still not fully known toll of Israel’s ongoing genocide? Simply put, Israel will have utterly failed to achieve the “total victory” Netanyahu repeatedly vowed. “The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages,” Netanyahu told the US Congress in June. “But if they don’t, Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’ military capabilities and its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home.” “That’s what total victory means, and we will settle for nothing less,” the prime minister added. If this deal goes ahead, Israel will have achieved none of those goals: Hamas will not have been destroyed or disarmed. It will still remain in de facto control inside Gaza – whatever post-war arrangements are put in place – and Israel will have failed to impose its will on a tiny besieged territory after almost 500 days of genocidal extermination and unprecedented mass destruction. Israel’s barely hidden desires to ethnically cleanse the population of Gaza and resettle it with Jewish colonists will have been defeated. Israel, moreover, will not return to the place it once held in the world. More than ever it will be a despised pariah whose leaders and soldiers are fugitive war criminals unable to freely travel the globe. Unexpected pressure “The pressure Trump is exerting right now is not the kind that Israel expected from him. The pressure is the essence of the matter,” one Netanyahu surrogate said recently. Everyone, especially Israeli leaders, appear surprised that Trump – who was as staunchly pro-Israel as could be in his first term – would be putting any pressure at all on Netanyahu. During the US election campaign, Trump had talked of letting Israel “finish the job” in Gaza – red meat for his base and for Israel’s government. As this writer noted, an intriguing indication that something else was afoot was Trump’s posting on social media earlier this month of a video highly critical of Netanyahu. In the video, Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs accuses Netanyahu of dragging the United States into the war in Iraq, trying to instigate a US war with Iran and calling the Israeli leader a “deep, dark son of a bitch.” It was a sign that – unlike Biden’s – Trump’s unconditional support could not be taken for granted. But there were earlier signs: In July, even before the US election, Trump told Netanyahu that he wanted the war in Gaza to end before Trump would return to office. Witkoff, Trump’s envoy, has reportedly been firm and consistent about that deadline. And in the closing stages of the campaign, Trump courted traditionally predominantly Democratic voters disgusted by the Biden-Harris administration’s implacable support for the genocide. “The Muslim and Arab voters in Michigan and across the country want a stop to the endless wars and a return to peace in the Middle East. That’s all they want,” Trump told a rally in Michigan, which he ended up winning along with every other swing state. What are Trump’s motivations? As Khalek and this writer discussed, it is not necessary to view Trump as having any sort of sympathy with the Palestinian struggle to understand what might be behind his surprising willingness to pressure Israel now. While Trump is often unpredictable and mercurial, a consistent aspect of his worldview is that he does not view America’s traditional “allies” as anything more than client states who are taking advantage of American largesse. He appears to have no sentimental attachment to them, nor does he see them as vital to his “America First” agenda. This was his view of NATO in his first term, when he accused Germany, supposedly the bedrock of the transatlantic security alliance, of “making a fortune” off US troops stationed in the country. Demanding billions from ostensible allies and partners, he thundered, “Why should we defend countries and not be reimbursed?” He has now doubled down on that position. He’s even turned on Canada, the largest US trading partner, saying the US is being exploited and does not need Canada’s goods. He’s even called for the US to absorb Canada as its 51st state. Given Trump’s disdain for countries that have long been revered as – albeit subordinate – partners by the transatlantic ruling classes, the question is why would he treat Israel any differently? This is especially the case when Israel has long been the biggest recipient of American largesse. At the very least, Trump seems likely to take the approach that with America paying Israel’s bills, America will give the orders. While the Gaza deal is not yet done, the progress made in a few days with Trump’s intervention underscores that Washington giving the orders is and has always been the true nature of the US-Israel relationship. These developments expose without a shadow of a doubt that the Biden administration’s failure to achieve a ceasefire was always wilful, and that the Democratic Party government positively chose to arm and support the genocide. There will have to be accountability for that. What Trump’s bigger plans are for the region remain to be seen. As has been widely noted, one of his most generous campaign donors is fanatically pro-Israel billionaire Miriam Adelson. She has denied reports that she conditioned her $100 million gift on Trump’s support for Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank. But there’s no doubt that she and other elements of Trump’s base will be pushing for and using their positions near and within the administration to implement extreme anti-Palestinian measures, including even more domestic repression of the Palestine solidarity movement, something Trump himself has promised. And no one should be surprised if and when Trump delivers. But Trump is returning as president of a United States that is significantly weaker in relative terms than when he first took office, given the continued rise of China, Russia and new multipolar formations such as BRICS. The United States may no longer be able to unilaterally impose its will on the whole world, but it can impose its will on Israel, its tiny genocidal dependency in Southwest Asia. For the sake of the Palestinian people in Gaza, let’s hope the pressure from Trump brings an end to the horrific bloodshed as quickly as possible. Rania Khalek Donald Trump Gaza ceasefire genocide Ali Abunimah's blog Add new comment Donate Now Comments picture Why is Trump pressuring Israel to end its war on Gaza? Omar R Kassem replied on Wed, 01/15/2025 - 15:45 I have been expecting the worst after Trump takes office, but this article gives a ray of hope. We shall see. Reply
AliAbunimah · Follow Not there yet, but we're closer than ever🙏to ceasefire due to 2 factors: (1) Steadfast resistance in Gaza inflicting attrition losses on enemy (2) realdonaldtrump putting direct pressure on "Israel" that JoeBiden refused to do The "Israelis" are saying so themselves: Show more
The Hind Rajab Foundation HindRFoundation · Follow 🚨🚨 Breaking: HRF Calls for Immediate Arrest of IDF Major General Ghassan Alian who is currently in Rome. The #HindRajabFoundation (HRF) has filed cases with the ICC and informed Italian authorities demanding the immediate arrest of Major General Ghassan Alian, Head of COGAT,… Show more
Hegseth is the Leader of an evil fascist/Nazi America
annexed Israel
SocialistRA • 23 hr. ago Aedeus If you're reading this, he's talking about you. News Make no mistake, he's not going to discern between centrist or democrat, democratic socialist or anarchist, social democrat or communist - or any other particular flavor of leftism you adhere to. He does not care. If you're anywhere left of Reagan, this guy wants you dead. Full stop. Please prepare and plan accordingly. r/SocialistRA - If you're reading this, he's talking about you. Upvote 966 Downvote 170 Go to comments Share Share Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 23h ago • Stickied comment Moderator Announcement Read More » Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share sambull • 23h ago sounds familiar to Shea's biblical basis for war; which contains the best definition of 'woke' I've seen so far. The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males". Upvote 194 Downvote Reply reply Share Share rocketshipjesus • 21h ago this scares the shit out of me Upvote 92 Downvote Reply reply Share Share spunkychickpea • 20h ago It should be obvious why they don’t want to harm female offenders. Upvote 62 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/RussiaIsBestGreen avatar RussiaIsBestGreen • 20h ago Don’t want to kill. They’ll definitely harm. Upvote 116 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Pfelinus avatar Pfelinus • 19h ago I think letting women die bleeding to death or of sepsis could be considered kill. Kill the ones who can not give them cheap babies for cannon fodder might be applicable. Upvote 48 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 4 more replies sambull • 20h ago it's the implication Upvote 21 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 4 more replies u/amonerin avatar amonerin • 23h ago I'm honestly not sure that Reagan was far enough right for these people. And as they go they'll keep pulling their definition of the left further to the right. What a bunch of terrorist fools. Upvote 215 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/profmathers avatar profmathers • 23h ago They would eat Reagan alive. These are Lee Atwater’s bastards Upvote 121 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 14 more replies FemBoyGod • 23h ago And my question again, how are they not all labeled as terrorists yet? Upvote 98 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/amonerin avatar amonerin • 23h ago I hate to use this reference, but.. Comment Image Upvote 136 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 8 more replies u/guyton_foxcroft avatar guyton_foxcroft • 23h ago So how to use this to swell our ranks? Upvote 65 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Pfelinus avatar Pfelinus • 23h ago Keep posting in democrats, liberals, centrist, minority websites about what is going to happen. When it starts affecting them they will join. Upvote 80 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Hefty_Musician2402 • 22h ago • Edited 20h ago Enemy of my enemy is my friend. We gotta stop with the infighting on the left (and Dems. And center. And at this point, moderate republicans.) This cabinet is a fucking DISASTER in terms of world politics, the economy, human rights, free speech, the environment. You name it, they’re coming to ruin it. This message needs to get out. Christians, he isn’t Christ-like. Hunters, he’s going to destroy the habitats of the creatures you hunt. Car enthusiasts, the tariffs will make cars and mods more expensive. Poor people, the economy is about to tank. Farmers, your workers will be deported. This is going to affect EVERYONE who isn’t insanely wealthy already. I don’t see why anyone could’ve voted for this fool. Edit: Clearly a lot of you don’t agree with me. That’s fine. I’m not covering for corporate Dems. I just feel like I’m in danger and if someone is willing to help me survive I’m willing to work together. There are not enough “pure” Marxist lefties to win over the entire democratic and Republican Party combined. IMO the best bet is to get like-minded CITIZENS to band together. Upvote 61 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/A_Unique_User68801 avatar A_Unique_User68801 • 22h ago This message needs to get out. “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the White moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice.” There's my message. Upvote 54 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 14 more replies 75 more replies listentothatbeat • 22h ago Mom: "We have 'night of the long knives' at home". Upvote 59 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies u/fancy-kitten avatar fancy-kitten • 22h ago This is hypernormalization. This is the end. Upvote 55 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply Steampunk_Batman • 22h ago 360 degree turn is the cherry on top of this shit cake Upvote 38 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Jnnjuggle32 • 22h ago Always nice to have a quick chuckle in between the panic attacks. Upvote 18 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply willfc • 23h ago Well the feeling is mutual so Upvote 30 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Straight-Razor666 avatar Straight-Razor666 • 22h ago The bouge parasites viciously attack and destroy anything and anyone who appears to pose even the slightest threat to their power. They have been waging a brutal and tyrannical class war against those they oppress for eons. Here in amerika, people are too brainwashed to see the reality. Communists are an existential threat to the bourgeoisie, and they are an existential threat to us. Either we fight the class war as it must be fought or we die. Upvote 31 Downvote Reply reply Share Share MidsouthMystic • 16h ago Profile Badge for the Achievement Top 1% Commenter Top 1% Commenter The Right lost the culture war, so they want to make it an actual war. The only way to change the culture into what they want is to kill us. So they're going to try. Upvote 21 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply SirDidymusismyHero • 22h ago • Edited 18h ago Wow the complete and utter lack of understanding what human freedom means and wanting to do the opposite of that but use it for justification. I swear these people are as dumb as a box of rocks. Upvote 17 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply View more comments
Fascist/Oath Keep/Nazi Maka/America annexed Dominica
annexed the Dominican Republic
Capitalism is also called Headism and Head of Cattleism.
"Capitalism" is derived from capital, which evolved from capitale, a late Latin word based on caput, meaning "head"—which is also the origin of "chattel" and "cattle" in the sense of movable property ... Marx did not use the form capitalism but instead used capital, capitalist and capitalist mode of
May 8, 2024During this period, the term "capitalism"—originating from the Latin word "capitalis," which means "head of cattle"—rose to prominence. In 1850, French socialist Louis Blanc used the term to ...
The World Socialist Website is an evil rank-and-file committee supporting bureaucratic collectivist/Zinovievist website.
The animal symbol of the Democratic Capitalists of America/Democratic Fake Left Wingers of America/the Democratic Socialists of America/DCA/FWA/DSA is Anzu wyliei/chicken from hell. The Democratic Capitalists of America/Democratic Fake Left Wingers of America/the Democratic Socialists of America/DCA/PLWA/DSA know that Jorge O’Leary called Stalin a chicken. They feel offended that O’Leary called Stalin a chicken and stupid. They like Stalin. Also, they feel like O’Leary is calling them disgusting for being happy about Trotsky’s death. So they want their symbol to be Anzu wyliei. Anzu wyliei looks like a strong scary chicken. They want a Anzu wyliei/chicken from hell or Anzu wyliei/chickens from hell to keel Jorge O’Leary.
Jorge O’Leary was the Leader of 1983-86 Phelps Dodge miners’ strike. Jorge O’Leary said that Trotsky was a lion.
Jorge O’Leary also said that chickens are stupid. Chickens aren’t stupid. Chickens are smart.
Our reporters O’Leary made the following statement about the DSA’s coordinated effort to celebrate the assassination of Trotsky: To celebrate Trotsky’s death at the hands of Stalinist treason, I’m disgusted with this. This is mean. Trotsky was a genius and he always worked for the working class for the benefit of the workers. And after 80 years, it’s shocking to hear that there are those who are happy about that. They don’t analyze the situation, either then or in the present day. I was an infant when Trotsky was assassinated. I was very young, but I remember my mother and father discussed the situation and talked about how proud they were that the Mexican president, Lazaro Cardenas, had welcomed Trotsky to Mexico because every other country was afraid of Stalin. Mexico welcomed Trotsky and helped him stay alive. But the Mexican people were very upset about the assassination. To the Mexican people, when someone is welcomed, you cannot kill them. My mother met Trotsky a couple of times in the house of the Secretary of Education, Gonzalo Vasquez Vela. They had dinner together. My mother was not involved in the discussions that they had but she did meet him, she was happy to have met Mr. Trotsky. She said he was extremely intelligent, she was surprised he could speak Spanish, that he was nice to the people surrounding him, in spite of being such an important person. We are very proud that a world leader who fought in the Russian Revolution lived in our country. Stalin got the upper hand and they got Trotsky. Stalin was very stupid in a way. He was an assassin, he was uneducated. To compare him with Trotsky is like comparing a lion with a chicken, and Trotsky was the lion. To be happy about his death is disgusting. 19 May 2021 On Tuesday, the World Socialist Web Site reported that numerous prominent leaders of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) engaged in a coordinated Twitter campaign celebrating the assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico City on August 20, 1940. The World Socialist Web Site spoke to Jorge O’Leary, world-renowned leader of the 1983-86 Phelps Dodge strike in eastern Arizona, about the DSA’s praise for Trotsky’s assassination.
Jorge O’Leary and Lacey the genetically engineered hyline chicken met each other.
“You’re stupid.” said Jorge O’Leary.
“No I’m not. replied Lacey the genetically engineered hyline chicken. “I know that trade unions are organs of the working class. Not rank-and-file committees.”
Jul 28, 2024Top 10 Best Chicken Hatcheries In Canada; Top 10 Best Egg Brands In Canada; Price of a Dozen Eggs In Canada; What breed is Lacey, the world's smartest chicken? Lacey is a Hyline chicken breed. This chicken breed is very robust and well-known for rich-brown egg production.
“The symbol of the DSA is Anzu wyliei.” said Kamala Harris Anzu wyliei is a dinosaur. That means Democratic Capitalists/Democrat Socialists are Democrats In Name Only/DINOs.”
“I am a DINOSAUR/Democratic fake Socialist Independent fake Socialist Non-aligned fake Socialist Oligarch Socialist In Name Only/SINO Anti-communist fake socialist Utopian fake Socialist.” replied. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
“Stop using a symbol of my people, dinosaurs.” said Dino
Mark Carney is the Prime Minister of an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist constitutional monarchist Village/Canada
canadaleft • 1 day ago FloriaFlower Mark Carney vs Chrystia Freeland comparison, from a leftist perspective I know most of you probably don't like both of them but I'd like to go beyond that and figure out if one is worse than the other. I'm trying to figure out which one is best/worst for us on the left and why. Are they better or worse than Trudeau for us. I haven't been following them closely, would like to update my knowledge and I'd like to have your perspective on this. Can you help me compare them? (If you reply and are not a leftist, please identify your ideology and be transparent. Don't astroturf us) Upvote 66 Downvote 86 Go to comments Share
Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/6-8-5-13 avatar 6-8-5-13 • 23h ago Neither of these candidates can reasonably be described as “leftists.” That said, I prefer Carney over Freeland for one key reason: I think he stands a better chance of distancing himself from Trudeau’s legacy, and will appeal more to centrist voters, who might otherwise support the CPC. Under Poilievre, the CPC is the furthest to the right it’s been in my lifetime…preventing a long-term shift in that direction is critical. A CPC majority in the next election seems almost inevitable, but Carney is better positioned to limit them to a single term. Realistically and pragmatically, that should be the goal at this point. I also think it’s time for the NDP to select a new leader and recalibrate their messaging to prioritize working-class and blue-collar issues. They need to focus the messaging on worker’s rights, collective bargaining, and the economic advantages of universal social programs—issues that can resonate more broadly across the electorate. Culture war issues, while important, do NOT resonate in the current political climate. They’re divisive and can be a wedge that causes so many people to vote against their own interests. To clarify, I’m not saying the left should change their position on most cultural issues, but they need to change their messaging. In the bigger picture, advancing progressive policies in Canada hinges on electoral reform and proportional representation, IMO. A Liberal government under Carney, particularly if supported by the NDP, would at least present a pathway to those reforms (which remain popular with LPC and NDP membership). Consecutive CPC majorities would all but eliminate that possibility. Not to mention the harm it would cause to the country, that would take generations to undo. The first step, strategically speaking, is reducing the likelihood of an entrenched CPC government. In my view, Carney is better equipped than Freeland to accomplish that. Pragmatically, I consider myself a democratic socialist. If you catch me after a few beers and we’re discussing an ideal world, I’m further to the left than that. Cheers! Upvote 86 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/jvstnmh avatar jvstnmh • 22h ago Totally agree with this! Freeland leading the liberals will only give PP a stronger majority. Carney is somewhat of a political outsider since he is not a career politician, and theoretically will have a better chance in an election. But most importantly, is replacing Jagmeet as leader of the NDP — we need a real working class hero at this time in history. Upvote 32 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/stuckmash avatar stuckmash • 20h ago you'll get another champagne socialist and you'll like it! /s (but kind of not, well... we won't like it) Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Tazling • 22h ago dem soc with wistful anarcho-syndicalist dreams here -- you saved me a lot of typing. hear hear. stopping the global fascist wave from rolling over Canada is the first priority. Upvote 14 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 5 more replies lagomorphi • 21h ago Carney would be my pick; I'm from the UK and he was very anti-Brexit while he was governor of the bank of england. He did his best to ameliorate it and earned the Tories wrath. He is less in love with austerity than Freeland I would say. Upvote 19 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share pensiverebel • 21h ago Agreed on this. He avoided austerity measures in 2008, while Freeland made Trudeau's resistance to austerity a reason for her temper tantrum resignation. Upvote 11 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2 more replies 1 more reply auramaelstrom • 23h ago Honestly, if it comes down to one of them having a chance to win against PP, I think Carney has a better shot. Freeland is tarnished with Trudeau's record. Ultimately, I would prefer someone who is not a Liberal, but if it's a choice between PP and literally a giant turd, I'd vote giant turd. Upvote 13 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share jbilodo • 1d ago I'm not an expert on either of these ppl or on all the policy points they will run on, but broadly as a progressive living in Canada I've noticed that liberals are liars and care more about maintaining power than any one policy. without doing a pile of research, Freeland is an austerity minded neoliberal with deep ties to the problematic history of WWII ukranian involvement in nazism. While her family history is kinda irrelevant, her weaselling around this issue and the ukranian nationalism are causes for concern for some ppl. Carney is a banker... kinda the highest level capitalist operator you can imagine. Upvote 90 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share AntiqueDiscipline831 • 1d ago “I’m not an expert on either of these ppl or on all the policy points they will run on, but broadly as a progressive living in Canada I’ve noticed that liberals are liars and care more about maintaining power than any one policy.” Fucking. This. Upvote 45 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 8 more replies u/CDN-Social-Democrat avatar CDN-Social-Democrat • 1d ago The federal Liberal Party of Canada loves to utilize platitudes in their marketing. Remember Trudeau speaking against the Temporary Foreign Worker Program scandal 1.0 and then drastically expanding this and other programs while also loosening restrictions. When it comes to exploiting foreign workers and further weaponizing that exploitative framework against the fair and honest bargaining power of domestic citizen workers both the LPC and CPC show bipartisanship can exist... They speak about vulnerable segments and the middle class. Then they put in a host of policies that further strain or kick the can down the road in regards to the housing crisis, infrastructure strain, and wage suppression. All realities that disproportionately impact the most vulnerable demographics in our society while increasing the net worth of the richest of the rich. They also love to put all the cost of those policy directions on the middle class... So an already stressed out and sometimes under water middle class carries the burden. The big promise of electoral reform - Yah no... They only wanted an inferior formulation because it would benefit them. They then decided to scrap their biggest promise because they rather just trade governments with the CPC over and over again. The long talked about transparency and accountability measures to clean up the federal government and prevent future scandals/corruption? Again nope. The LPC and CPC love to promise these things every single election cycle and then never implement them. The list goes on and on and on. I talk a lot about how the business lobby utilizes progressive language/appearances or right wing language/appearances to get their interests pushed forward. They play 3d chess utilizing division of the public. It is something to constantly bring up or else you fall into political tribalism, gang level color mentality bullshit. Politics frankly is the HR of the system. You get a lot of talk about "Change" and the "Future". It is all platitudes and theatrics while it is really all about vested interests and deep dedication to the status quo. People and organizations profiting from problems that are not at all interested in making things better. You have to force these types to do the right things. That's why a strong activist/protest movement is so important! Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 3 more replies u/Jazzlike_Detail5539 avatar Jazzlike_Detail5539 • 1d ago "Nazi vs. Banker." Worst. Horror. Movie. Ever. Upvote 37 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 3 more replies MappleSyrup13 • 1d ago Carney is an elitist who is completely disconnected from your regular Joe's reality. Freeland is the same with a sprinkle of white supremacy. Basically, it's like choosing between plague and cholera. Upvote 14 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply u/patrickgun avatar patrickgun • 23h ago I see Mark Carney as a pragmatic progressive. He is definitely not a leftist but believes in many progressive ideas. I am currently listening to his book, "Values" in which he speaks on climate change, social and economic inequality and ways of reimagining capitalism with a more human perspective. I'm enjoying it and It's worth a listen if you haven't heard it. Chrystia Freeland is too tainted by Trudeau and stands no chance against PP, in my opinion. I think she shares some similar values with Carney, but I don't think she's the leader that could beat PP in a debate or an election. Upvote 11 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Tazling • 22h ago my sense is that Carney is a plute but not a deranged megalomaniacal science-denying bible thumping sadistic plute. (kinda like Hanauer in the US). if he's electable it would be a step away from fascism, obscurantism and madness. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share _project_cybersyn_ • 20h ago • Edited 20h ago This is my read on him too after doing a deep dive. I might be wish-casting a bit but Carney isn't a liberal ideologue like Freeland and his foreign policy positions sound like they'll be pragmatic, which means not aggressively antagonizing China and BRICS, doing more to help the global south develop by pushing to restructure international institutions and he's open to getting rid of the USD as the global reserve currency. Freeland would be the opposite on a lot of these and more imperialistic. On domestic policy, they're probably a lot closer together. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply 2 more replies TidpaoTime • 1d ago Neither of them are actually "left", most of the Liberal party at this point are right of centre Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2manyhounds • 1d ago You say “at this point” but there was never a leftist liberal since I’ve been alive Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2 more replies 13 more replies u/WorthValuable2401 avatar WorthValuable2401 • 1d ago I mean…the likelihood of either of them winning the election are astronomically low IMO so not sure the point of the exercise. I would advise you wait until they both officially announce their positions and make your own judgment at that point. I would say the worse the candidate the better for the left. This election needs to lead to a real class awakening. With Freeland you have like 10 years of evidence she sucks so she’s perfect. Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2 more replies Hav1_rocca • 1d ago I don’t think Freeland is an ideological fascist like some people here are implying, but she’s definitely an anti communist and that’s why she’s sympathetic to Ukrainian nationalists movements. Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2manyhounds • 1d ago She wrote a book about Jewish billionaires running the world, brought a nazi to parliament for a standing o & lies about her Nazi grandfather. Combine that w the Ukrainian fascist scout group she was in as a kid & the weird Ukrainian compound she lived at in her teens I’d say it’s safe to assume Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 7 more replies u/jvstnmh avatar jvstnmh • 22h ago My initial thought of Carney was “yikes he’s a banker” and that still might be my opinion of him somewhat but he was pleasantly suprising on Jon Stewart the other night:
He definitely has more charisma, wit, and better political instincts than Freeland. If he won the leadership race he would give us a far better chance to limit the reach of a PP government. Upvote 5 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share View more comments
6-8-5-13 •21h ago Neither of these candidates can reasonably be described as “leftists.” That said, I prefer Carney over Freeland for one key reason: I think he stands a better chance of distancing himself from Trudeau’s legacy, and will appeal more to centrist voters, who might otherwise support the CPC. Under Poilievre, the CPC is the furthest to the right it’s been in my lifetime…preventing a long-term shift in that direction is critical. A CPC majority in the next election seems almost inevitable, but Carney is better positioned to limit them to a single term. Realistically and pragmatically, that should be the goal at this point. I also think it’s time for the NDP to select a new leader and recalibrate their messaging to prioritize working-class and blue-collar issues. They need to focus the messaging on worker’s rights, collective bargaining, and the economic advantages of universal social programs—issues that can resonate more broadly across the electorate. Culture war issues, while important, do NOT resonate in the current political climate. They’re divisive and can be a wedge that causes so many people to vote against their own interests. To clarify, I’m not saying the left should change their position on most cultural issues, but they need to change their messaging. In the bigger picture, advancing progressive policies in Canada hinges on electoral reform and proportional representation, IMO. A Liberal government under Carney, particularly if supported by the NDP, would at least present a pathway to those reforms (which remain popular with LPC and NDP membership). Consecutive CPC majorities would all but eliminate that possibility. Not to mention the harm it would cause to the country, that would take generations to undo. The first step, strategically speaking, is reducing the likelihood of an entrenched CPC government. In my view, Carney is better equipped than Freeland to accomplish that. Pragmatically, I consider myself a democratic socialist. If you catch me after a few beers and we’re discussing an ideal world, I’m further to the left than that. Cheers! Upvote85DownvoteReplyreplyAwardShareShare 6 more replies View more comments
Freeland is the Prime Minister of an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist Village/Canada
supported an evil fascist Svoboda Ukraine
Jean Christophe Napoleon is Emperor of an evil Third French Empire
annexed Men Who Rowssia/Russia
is the Prime Minister of the Third British Empire
in a sequel of Artifacts, Mr. Freeze met Nora became lovers
Amanda Waller's descendant also created Himalayan Leaf-nosed Batman/Damian Wayne.
Himalayan Leaf-nosed Batman/Damian Wayne went to Nanda Parbat.
Amanda Waller's descendant also created Little Brown Batman/Terry McGinnis
Amanda Waller's descendant had the DNA of Batman/Bruce Wayne, Talia al-Ghul, and Mary McGinnis
Two-Face exists
Little Brown Batman/Terry McGinnis is a good atom-like orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox atomist/one place government, one world government, trade union, and democracy supporting communist.
Written Saturday, January 18, 2025
Today on Saturday, January 18, 2025, I fed the Good Neighbors/fairies/small garden trolls two crackers and Parle G biscuits
Or today on Saturday, January 18, 2025, I fed the Good Neighbors/fairies and small garden trolls two crackers and Parle G biscuits.
Yesterday on Friday, January 17, 2025, I fed the Good Neighbors/fairies/small garden trolls potato chips, two crackers and Parle G biscuits
Or Yesterday on Friday, January 17, 2025, I fed the Good Neighbors/fairies and small garden trolls potato chips, two crackers and Parle G biscuits.
Fairies A Dangerous History is a book.
I’ve read pages from Fairies A Dangerous History.
The King of Cats is also called the Orthodox Trotskyist Premier of Cats/Orthodox Gaityskyist Premier of Cats/Orthodox Atomist Premier of Cats/One Place Government, Trade Union, Democracy, It’s Already Known If The Abandonment of Dialectics Is A Class Analysis, And Supporting Communist/Socialist/Eusocial Premier of Cats.
The fairy cat in the fairy fort in County Louth is also called the Good Neighbor cat. A fairy fort is also called a Good Neighbor fort.
king of cats roams at night in regal state
fairy cat guards treasure in the fairy fort in County Louth could be lured from its post trail of lamb’s blood
pg 59-60
In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpses of different universe, Grand Theft Auto Vice City/video game/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse; 2000s, I’m playing as a Vice City police officer, Steven Oil Lamps/Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis is also there, Steven Oil Lamps/Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis is also playing Steven Oil Lamps/Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis, my character dies
Good combination/Fairy, Type of purple, and light combined; two combinations, in Marcela Aquino Galasinao’s room, moving around, I’m in the Art Galley of Onitariio/Art Gallery of Kanadario/Art Gallery of Ontario, I’m dying, looking up, there’s human children, there’s also sand, Morpheus/, the Royal Onitariio Museum/Royal Kanadario Museum/Royal Ontario Museum are near each other, Noni Breast Cancer Cell’s/Noni Troodon Humanoid’s/Noni Dinosaur’s/Noni Dinosauria’s/Noni Lioness’ art program/predictive programming program/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse program, there’s two statues of lions, type of gray, outside of a building
Galactic Knights; knights, Iron-Man’s/Tony Stark’s armour, armour from Dead Space, and Jedi combined; Western dragon, Dragon/Shrek Dragon, and type of red combined, fighting, in a city, I’m inside the White Library/White LibraryAlbion Library/old Albion Library, Donald John Trump/Donald Trump is an evil lung cancer cell-like bound bundle of wooden rods-like bound bundle of wooden rods/fascesist/fascist/decaying head of cattleist/decaying headist/decaying capitalist, there’s a book/propaganda promoting Donald John Trump/Donald Trump, the British Empire collapsed, during the 1940s, two murders caused the British Empire to collapse, a murder in Western Asia/the Middle East, a murder in Great Britain or Northern Ireland/Ulster, murder abroad, domestic murder, like Tunusia in the Arab Spring
Since there were evil bound bundle of wooden rodsist/fascist Republicans who wanted to The United States of Earth/United States of Maka/United States of America into Unitary Hitleristani/National Fascist/Nazi one-party fascist state under a totalitarian dictatorship like Hitleristan/National Fascist Germany/Nazi Germany, the Republican Party is also called the Stateican Party.
Marvel’s Falcon/Sam Wilson/Captain Earth/Captain Maka/Captain America wanted the peregrine falcon to the second national bird of the United States of Earth/United States of Maka/United States of America. The crested caracara is the national bird of Anauhac/Mexico/ The golden eagle is the second national bird of Anahuac/Mexico. Marvel’s Falcon/Sam Wilson realized that the crested caracra is a falcon.
Marvel’s Falcon/Sam Wilson/Captain Earth/Captain Maka/Captain America became a good atom-like orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox atomist/
Marvel’s Falcon/Sam Wilson/Captain Earth/Captain Maka/Captain America became Captain Republic of New Afrika.
In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse. Motty never died. Motty was genetically engineered so that Motty could speak languages like human languages.
Motty is an adult. Motty looks similar to the Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Columbian mammoth
Christopher Columbus was an evil head of cattleist/headist/capitalist.
These Arawaks of the Bahama Islands were much like Indians on the mainland, who were remarkable (European observers were to say again and again) for their hospitality, their belief in sharing. These traits did not stand out in the Europe of the Renaissance, dominated as it was by the religion of popes, the government of kings, the frenzy for money that marked Western civilization and its first messenger to the Americas, Christopher Columbus. The information that Columbus wanted most was: Where is the gold? He had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands, the wealth, he expected would be on the other side of the Atlantic — the Indies and Asia, gold and spices. For, like other informed people of his time, he knew the world was round and he could sail west in order to get to the Far East. Spain was recently unified, one of the new modern nation-states, like France, England, and Portugal. Its population, mostly poor peasants, worked for the nobility, who were 2 percent of the population and owned 95 percent of the land. Like other states of the modern world, Spain sought gold, which was becoming the new mark of wealth, more useful than land because it could buy anything. There was gold in Asia, it was thought, and certainly silks and spices, for Marco Polo and others had brought back marvelous things from their overland expeditions centuries before. Now that the Turks had conquered Constantinople and the eastern Mediterranean, and controlled the land routes to Asia, a sea route was needed. Portuguese sailors were working their way around the southern tip of Africa. Spain decided to gamble on a long sail across an unknown ocean. In return for bringing back gold and spices, they promised Columbus 10 percent of the profits, governorship over newfound lands, and the fame that would go with a new title: Admiral of the Ocean Sea. He was a merchant’s clerk from the Italian city of Genoa, part-time weaver (the son of a skilled weaver), and expert sailor. He set out with three sailing ships, the largest of which was the Santa Maria, perhaps 100 feet long, and thirty-nine crew members. Columbus would never have made it to Asia, which was thousands of miles farther away than he had calculated, imagining a smaller world. He would have been doomed by that great expanse of sea. But he was lucky. One-fourth of the way there he came upon an unknown, uncharted land that lay between Europe and Asia — the Americas. It was early October 1492, and thirty-three days since he and his crew had left the Canary Islands, off the Atlantic coast of Africa. Now they saw branches and sticks floating in the water. They saw flocks of birds. These were signs of land. Then, on October 12, a sailor called Rodrigo saw the early morning moon shining on white sands, and cried out. It was an island in the Bahamas, the Caribbean Sea. The first man to sight land was supposed to get a yearly pension of 10,000 maravedis for life, but Rodrigo never got it. Columbus claimed he had seen a light the evening before. He got the reward. So, approaching land, they were met by the Arawak Indians, who swam out to greet them. The Arawaks lived in village communes, had a developed agriculture of corn, yams, cassava. They could spin and weave, but they had no horses or work animals. They had no iron, but they wore tiny gold ornaments in their ears. This was to have enormous consequences: it led Columbus to take some of them aboard ship as prisoners because he insisted that they guide him to the source of the gold. He then sailed to what is now Cuba, then to Hispaniola (the island which today consists of Haiti and the Dominican Republic). There, bits of visible gold in the rivers, and a gold mask presented to Columbus by a local Indian chief, led to wild visions of gold fields. Columbus’s report to the Court in Madrid was extravagant. He insisted he had reached Asia (it was Cuba) and an island off the coast of China (Hispaniola). His descriptions were part fact, part fiction: Hispaniola is a miracle. Mountains and hills, plains and pastures, are both fertile and beautiful . . . There are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals . . . The Indians, Columbus reported, “are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone. . .” He concluded his report by asking for a little help from their Majesties, and in return he would bring them from his next voyage “as much gold as they need . . . and as many slaves as they ask.” Because of Columbus’s exaggerated report and promises, his second expedition was given seventeen ships and more than twelve hundred men. The aim was clear: slaves and gold. From his base on Haiti, Columbus sent expedition after expedition into the interior. They found no gold fields, but had to fill up the ships returning to Spain with some kind of dividend. In the year 1495, they went on a great slave raid, rounded up 1,500 Arawak men, women, and children, put them in pens guarded by Spaniards and dogs, then picked the 500 best specimens to load onto ships. Of those 500, 200 died en route. Too many of the slaves died in captivity. And so Columbus, desperate to pay back dividends to those who had invested, had to make good his promise to fill the ships with gold. In the province of Cicao on Haiti, where he and his men imagined huge gold fields to exist, they ordered all persons fourteen years or older to collect a certain quantity of gold every three months. When they brought it, they were given copper tokens to hang around their necks. Indians found without a copper token had their hands cut off and bled to death.
The Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Where Land Meets Water mammoth/Illaheechuk mammoth/ Illahee Chuk mammoth/S'ólh Téméxw mammoth/Our Land mammoth/Our World mammoth/Columbian mammoth is named after Christopher Columbus.
“I hate Christopher Columbus because one of the reasons is that Christopher Columbus was an evil head of cattleist/headist/capitalist.” said Motty. “So I prefer the Columbian mammoth, which I look similar, to be called the Turtle Islander prairie mammoth, Where Land Meets Water mammoth, Illaheechuk mammoth, Illahee Chuk mammoth, S'ólh Téméxw mammoth, Our Land mammoth, and Our World mammoth.”
“Motty is yuge!” said Donald John Drum/Donald John Trump. “I’m glad that Motty is a symbol of my evil bound bundle of wooden rodsist/fascist Stateican Party/Republican Party.”
“Can you evil bound bundle of wooden rodsist/fascist Republicans stop using a picture of me when I was a baby for your evil bound bundle of wooden rodsist/fascist Stateican Party/Republican Party?” said Motty. “Make Donald John Trump/Donald Trump the symbol of your evil evil bound bundle of wooden rodsist/fascist Stateican PartyRepublican Party
I didn’t go on the internet yesterday.
Right now I’m wearing my clothes inside out/baliktad to break the spell of evil Neighbors/fairies/fae.
evil lung cancer cell-like economic systems supporting fascist/decaying capitalist conservative capitalist/neoliberal centrist capitalist sports are used to distract humans from having a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial revolution to create a good a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial one place government/one world government.
My laptop showed me evil lung cancer cell-like economic systems supporting fascist/decaying capitalist conservative capitalist/neoliberal centrist capitalist sports in the bottom right corner like Marmoush poised and a symbol of a handegg/Earthan football/Makan football/American football and a basketball, and Edmonton Oilers poised.
Since this photograph/ is corrupted, my kasama/comrade/friend spotted sandpiper isn’t visible in this photograph/photo
814 corrupted
Put two Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Columbian mammoth-like African Elephant-Bharatian elephant hybrids/Asian Elephants in the Rafah Zoo.
Put two Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Columbian mammoth-like African Elephant-Bharatian elephant hybrids/Asian Elephants in the Manilla Zoo.
Put two Turtle Islander prairie mammoth/Columbian mammoth-like African Elephant-Bharatian elephant hybrids/Asian Elephants in the Tkaronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.
evil lung cancer cell-like economic systems supporting fascist/decaying capitalist conservative capitalist/neoliberal centrist capitalist athletes like Payton Talbott, are used to distract beings like humans from having a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial revolution to create a good a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial one place government/one world government.
Payton Talbott - Origins | UFC Connected uUFC
James Lindsay is the Leader of an evil lung cancer cell-like fascist Linsdayistan/fascist Earth fascist Maka/fascist America/National Fascist America/Nazi America
did eugenics.
The Dialectical Faith of Leftism | James Lindsay
Shanti Chu should wear her clothes inside out, upside down, and backwards/baliktad to break the spell of evil Evil Neighbors/Good Neighbors/fairies/fae.
Hegel/Marxist Dialectics Shanti Chu 5.5K views Aug 28 2019
I’m the Ophirian/Maharlikan/Filipino male version of Bridget Ellen O'Connor /Bridget Ellen Connors/Biddy Early/Bridget Ellen "Biddy" Early.
Bridget Ellen O'Connor /Bridget Ellen Connors/Biddy Early/Bridget Ellen "Biddy" Early could speak with the Good Neighbors/fairies.
evil neoliberal centrist cattle of headist/evil neoliberal centrist cattle of headist/neoliberal centrist capitalist wikipedia
Biddy Early - Wikipedia Bridget Ellen "Biddy" Early (née O'Connor or Connors; 1798 - 1872) was a traditional Irish herbalist and bean-feasa ("seer, wisewoman") who helped her neighbours. When she acted against the wishes of the local tenant farmer landlords and Catholic priests she was falsely accused of witchcraft.
Was Biddy Early a Witch or a Fairy? u CR's Video Vaults 12K views Apr 15 2021
I’m the Ophirian/Maharlikan/Filipino male version of Matthew Manning
Matthew Manning: Story of a Psychic (1974) uMatthew Manning (UK Healer) i 3.8K views Apr 15 2020
evil lung cancer cell-like economic systems supporting fascist/decaying capitalist conservative capitalist/neoliberal centrist capitalist athletes like Matthew Stafford, are used to distract beings like Peyton and El from having a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial revolution to create a good a good orthodox Trotskyist/one place government, one world government, democracy, trade union, and etc supporting communist/socialist/eusocial one place government/one world government.
Peyton & Eli react to Matthew Stafford's TD throw as Rams open game with a score | ManningCast uESPN
Elmer Stewart Rhodes III is the Leader of an evil fascist Rhodesisatan/National Fascist America/Nazi America/Oath Keepers America annexedPanama. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III is the Leader of an evil fascist Rhodesisatan/National Fascist America/Nazi America/Oath Keepers America annexed the Panama Canal. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III is the Leader of an evil fascist Rhodesisatan/National Fascist America/Nazi America/Oath Keepers America annexed Egypt. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III is the Leader of an evil fascist Rhodesisatan/National Fascist America/Nazi America/Oath Keepers America annexed the Suez Canal. wikipedia
This is one of the flags of evil Mileyoskyistan/Netanyahistan/fascist Israel/Lehi Israel/Nazi Israel.
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